Parish Churches of Comrie and Dundurn - Church of Scotland
We seek to follow Jesus Christ to share the Gospel and to bring the knowledge of God’s love to all.
These pages are designed to provide parishioners and visitors alike with information on our church. It will provide information on who to contact, church services, events and notices.
In 1879 the foundation stone of the new Free Church was laid and in 1925 the two United Free Churches of Scotland were united. In 1929 the Established Church of Scotland and the United Free Church of Scotland were re-united and Comrie Parish Church was renamed Comrie Old Parish Church.
The merging of Comrie Old Parish Church and St Kessogs Parish Church took place on 2nd September, 1964, with the later becoming the building used for weekly worship. In 1965 the nearby church of Monzievaird and Strowan was closed and the Comrie and Strowan Parish was formed.
Interim Moderator Rev John Murdoch
01738 628378
Locum Minister Rev Bob Milne
07803 609387
Current contact details for Comrie Parish Church
Comrie Session Clerk: Mr Murray Lauchlan, Tel: 01764 670605 or 07979530585
Roll Keeper: Julie Harrison Tel: 01764 670877
Church Secretary [Tues & Fri am]: Mrs Linda Bennett, Tel: 01764 679555 Email:
Treasurer: Mrs Pauline Booth, Tel:01764 670508, Email:
Freewill Offering Convenor & Gift Aid Treasurer: Mr John Drysdale, Tel:01764 670162, Email:
Flower Convenor: Miss Judy McDowell, Tel: 01764 670215, Email:
Church Hall Bookings: Mrs Linda Bennett, Tel: 01764 679555 Email:
Property Convenor: Mr William Youngman, Tel: 01567 670671, Email:
Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Miss Mairi Philp, Tel: 01764 670570 Email:
Outlook Editor: Mrs Margaret Sim, Tel: 01567 830257, Email:
Life and Work’ Convenor: Mrs Helen Whitelaw, Tel: 01764 679761
Guild Contact: Mrs Anne Lawson, Tel: 01764 679180
Sunday Club: Mrs Lesley McWilliams, Tel: 01764 670076
Current contact details for Dundurn Parish Church
Minister: Reverend Graham McWilliams, The Manse, Strowan Road, Comrie. PH6 2ES
Tel: Vestry: 01764-670853, Office: 01764-679555, Manse: 01764-670076
Session Clerk: Mrs Elma Brierley, Tel: 01764 685427, Email:
Treasurer: Mr Johnston Brown, Tel: 01764 685268
Flower Convenor: Mrs Catherine Moncrieff, Tel: 01764 685253
Property Convenor: Mr Jim Brierley, Tel: 01764 685427
‘Life and Work’ Convenor: Mrs Liz Cunningham, Tel: 01764 658383
Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Mrs Frances Brown, Tel: 01764 685268
Church Secretary [Tues & Fri am]: Mrs Linda Bennett, Tel: 01764 679555 Email:
Comrie & Dundurn Parish Churches now on Social Networking Site Facebook.
Click this link to view up to date information and photographs:!/pages/Comrie-Dundurn-Parish-Churches/164412170267190
Sunday Morning Worship
Comrie: 10:00 am
Dundurn: 11.30am
Holy Communion is celebrated on the fourth Sundays of February, June & October