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This from the Comrie Fortnight Association……

The following statement is from our chairman James Stewart regarding this year’s Comrie Fortnight. See this week’s Strathearn Herald for more info.

“It is with heavy hearts and great sadness that, due to the ongoing effect of Covid-19, the Comrie Fortnight Committee has reached the decision that the Comrie Fortnight as we know it is not able to take place this year.

However, the committee is working very hard to think of activities that the village can engage in, in the virtual world and via our brochure, which will be still be published and distributed to every household in the village free of charge this year.

Due to the on-going restrictions and the need for continued social distancing we are not running the Fortnight as we normally would but aim to provide a brochure with some quizzes, competitions and fun activities which can all be done within government guidelines.

We intend to hold some events. However, these will not be in the traditional style with significant numbers of individuals engaging in social gatherings. It is our intention to still hold some events, but these will be in the virtual world often using social media.

We will provide further information on our programme of events in the Strathearn Herald and on social media.
If you have any questions or suggestions, our committee are here and happy to help. Please drop us an email at comriefortnight@btinternet.com.”
