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Do you live in Comrie and want to get involved in making a fun and creative video about our experiences of living life in lockdown?

(You can take part from the safety and comfort of your home and the only equipment you need is your phone📱.)

This is a video project for families 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 and people of all ages. And it’s simple and easy to get involved…

If you’re interested, here’s the simple idea:

1. You take a short video clip on your phone. Your clip will either be:

🌟 Showing something positive that you are doing with your time spent in lockdown.
🌟Sharing a positive lesson that you’ve learned during your time in lockdown and how it has changed your perspective.

Get as creative as you like! Funny, fun, entertaining, kind, caring, thoughtful, and reflective video clips are all great!

2. You send your video clip to me and I will edit all the clips that have been entered into a compilation video that will be shared on social media to reflect what we in the Comrie community are doing/learning during our time spent in lockdown.

The final, edited collaborative video will be shared on social media to:

🌟spread positive messages about the lessons we’ve learned so far in a time of crisis,
🌟help create a sense of community and connection in times of social isolation, and,
🌟help spark more ideas for others living life in lockdown.

If you’re up for this and are already thinking about what you could capture in your video clip, here are some more details…

Clips must be:

1. Approximately 5 – 25 seconds long.
2. 16:9 aspect ratio (turn your phone sideways to record).
3. Either .mov or mp4 video files.
4. Files must be no bigger that 2gb.

Upload your clips (easily and for free) via WeTransfer.
– In the box that asks where you want to email your video file to, put my email address: wildsoulfilms@gmail.com

Needless to say, please keep it clean! 🧼We want this to be a video that people of all ages can watch and enjoy.

And PLEASE check with everyone who’s in your video that they are happy that they will appear in a video that will be shared on social media.

Also, if you’re creating a video clip with your children, you MUST be happy that the clip will be included in a video that will be on social media.

The deadline for video clip submissions is Wednesday 15th April 2020 at 6pm.

Let me know if you’re interested in getting involved and I really look forward to seeing your video clips and what we can all create together!
