[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1584442602926{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]I T A L B A. Supper Clubs Update

Unfortunately, due to the Corona virus situation the 4 Italba supper dates in March and April have been cancelled.

Like all of us, I am looking forward for this to be over as soon as possible, so we can go back to normal with our lives (and business). For the moment the priority is staying healthy and supporting the vulnerable in the community.

I am still available for small private dining jobs and will soon be offering a limited selection of gourmet Italian dishes to be home delivered – I’ll post separately about this.

During this time I will work hard, investing the time Studying and developing new recipes, so when finally the new dates at the Italba kitchen will be confirmed we will have an extra reason to be happy.

Thanks for understanding.

Stay well

