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Sound Therapy & Yoga – What Next?
I hope this email finds you well and enjoying a few of the freedoms that the easing of lock-down has begun to offer?  What a crazy, uncertain time we have all been through, and are still experiencing with regard to how things will work going forward.
As some of you already know, I have been teaching yoga & sound in my garden for the last 7 weeks. What an amazing opportunity to be in nature sharing yoga, sound, laughter and a few tears. I want to thank the most amazing group of women who have joined me in the garden, supporting me with both their participation and their friendship. You have all made it the most memorable and enjoyable time for me since I began to teach. Thank you from my heart.
I will be in the garden for one more week until the end of July and then I will take a few days ‘stay-cation’ to recharge before beginning to plan and organise how to continue offering Sound Therapy and Yoga.  It is my hope that as the guidelines continue to expand our opportunities, I will be able to start offering both sound and yoga again by the beginning of September.
How will yoga look from September? :
It seems unlikely that distancing restrictions will be lifted before the end of the year, which will obviously have a major impact on the numbers that can be safely accommodated in each class.  Financially this may prove to be impractical for maintaining the structure of classes I had before Covid-19.
  • From September I am planning to continue offering 1-2-1 yoga, yoga &sound and meditation sessions or small group sessions (up to 3) in my home, maintaining social distancing and following whatever hygiene requirements that will be in place by September.
  • As a supplement to this I will also be offering individual/small group zoom classes. ( I will finally be upgrading my technology to the 21st century!)
  • If it is practical to offer ‘live’ classes by September, I will happily do so in addition to the above.
  • Jen and I still have our Yoga & Sound Retreat in the spectacular hills of Glencoe in October, 4 nights from 13th October. We will be advertising places soon!
Please let me know in advance if you would be interested in any of the above options.
How will Sound Therapy look from September? :
It has been a very exciting few weeks for me as my training has continued uninterrupted, thanks to the virtual world.  From September I will be ready to continue my Group Sound Therapy case studies and embark on my Practitioner 1-2-1 case studies.
  • Group Sound Therapy Case Studies 
Although under present guideline, I am unable to gather 6 people indoors, I am hopeful that this will have changed by the beginning of September.  My plan is to restrict each session to only 6 for purely practical reasons. So if you are interested in being involved in the remaining sessions, please contact me.  If you happen to be a family of 6 who are all interested in sound, contact me now! 😤😉
  • Practitioner 1-2-1 Case Studies 
I am so excited by this training and have relished delving deeper into the theory behind sound and therapy.  From September I will be looking for 20 people in total.  Each person will be offered 4 (weekly or fortnightly) sessions of 1-2-1 Sound Therapy in my home for a nominal charge (£5 per session). We will explore different instruments and methodologies over those 4 weeks. The treatments can be effective for a huge variety of conditions, pain relief, stress, anxiety, relationship issues, grief, depression, insomnia, fibromyalgia to name a few.
During these case studies, I will be participating in an in-depth research project pioneered by BAST into the effects of sound on chronic pain.  If you suffer from this in any form and would be interested in being a part of this research project, please let me know.
If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in participating in these case studies, please contact me. I am only able to accept 20 people for 4 sessions each and will begin taking names from today.

Thank you for taking the time to read to the bottom, I know this is a lot of information and I will be putting out ‘bulletin’ emails over the next few weeks, updating you on how the specifics of each event will work.

Please continue to remain safe and I very much hope to be seeing many of you for sound or yoga (or both) very soon,

Best wishes to you all,
