Winter Road Safety

Advice for pedestrians

  • Dress for the weather by wearing reflective or bright-coloured clothing so other road users can see you when it’s dark or visibility is poor
  • If you are walking home late at night, make sure someone knows where you’re going and when
  • Vehicles can take up to ten times longer to stop on slippery road surfaces so take extra care crossing the road
  • Stick to pedestrian crossings
  • If there are no crossings nearby, find a place with a clear view and wait for long gaps in the traffic before crossing the road
  • Don’t cross the road between parked vehicles, unless it can’t be avoided then take extra care (look out for vehicles that suddenly pull out or reverse)
  • Never cross the road behind a bus
  • If there is no pavement, keep to the right hand side of the road so you can see traffic coming towards you.

Advice for cyclists

  • Make sure your bike can be seen by people on the road
  • Use a good set of front and rear lights (white at the front, red at the back)
  • Wear clothes that help you be seen on your bike, such as bright and light reflective items
  • Pay attention to road signs, markings and particularly red lights
  • Do not cycle on the pavements, they may be slippery and can also endanger pedestrians
  • Be mindful of the effects poor weather can have on other road users
  • Make sure you know about the dangers around you
  • Cars can take twice as long to stop in wet weather
  • Braking can be unpredictable in ice and snow.

Advice for drivers

  • Make sure your car is ready for winter
  • Check that your tyres, brakes, windscreens, wiper blades and windows are free from defects and clean
  • Drive to the road conditions. Road conditions can change without warning, stopping distances will be affected by the weather
  • Make sure your windows are clean and aren’t misted up
  • Make sure there is no snow and ice on your windows before you drive
  • When the roads are icy, drive at a slow speed in a high gear
  • Accelerate and brake very gently
  • Driving distracted (for example, using a Sat Nav) can cause additional stress. It is dangerous to yourself, passengers and other road users.


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On Thursday 5th January 2023, a warrant was executed at a property in Stormont Street, Perth. Officers searched the property and seized a quantity of illegal drugs and associated paraphernalia.  A 47 year old male was arrested.

About 10:10 pm on Friday 6th January 2023 money was stolen from Bell Sports Centre, Perth.  Later that evening a 43 year old male was traced and arrested in relation to this theft.  A report has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

A 55 year old male has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal for causing damage to a window of a moving taxi on Thursday 5th January 2023 within the area of Crieff.

A 69 year old male has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal on Friday 6th January 2023 in relation to careless driving incident which caused damage to a stone wall in Comrie Street, Crieff

During the last week 5 drivers have been found to be without insurance and 4 had no licence.



About 0255 hours, Wednesday 4th January 2023, a residential premises within Hewat Place, Perth were broken into and a vehicle key stolen.  The key was thereafter used to steal a White Honda CRV (CR/1006/23)

Between 8pm on Thursday 5th January and 9am on Friday 6th January 2023 a red Kia Ceed motor vehicle was damaged whilst parked at Stormont Street, Perth (CR/2134/23)

On Thursday 5th January 2023 at 1:30pm, a pedestrian was hit by the wing mirror of a moving motor vehicle whilst exiting a parked taxi on Rannoch Road, Perth.  The suspect vehicle is described as a small Suzuki SUV type motor vehicle with the driver described as white male, mid to late 60’s, short but medium build with stubble.  He was wearing a grey hooded anorak and black tracksuit bottoms.  (CR/2823/23)

Around 0100 hours, Saturday 7th January 2023, an attempt was made to gain entry to Perth Playhouse, Perth and damage caused to a window. Suspect is described as male, broad built, 5ft 8/9 inch, 17-20 years of age and wearing a long sleeve grey top, black body warmer, dark trousers, black boots, gloves and a hood up. (CR21415/23)

On Saturday 7th January 2023 at 6:30pm a male suspect has entered a property at Logie Crescent, Perth causing fear and alarm to the occupant.  The suspect is described as white male, 5ft 10, medium build and wearing a dark beanie hat, dark navy waterproof jacket and dark jeans. (CR/3009/23)

Between 12pm on Friday 6th January 2023 and 6:30 am on Saturday 7th January 2023 attempts were made to break into a summerhouse located within the rear garden of a property in Cottarshade, Blairgowrie (CR/2709/23)

Between 12noon on Saturday 7th January and 12noon on Sunday 8th January 2023 two half barrel planters were stolen from the side of the road on Perth Road, Abernethy (CR/3071/23)

About 2:15am on Sunday 8th January 2023 damage was caused to patio doors and a window of the Coffee Shop situated within Strathallan School, Forgandenny and money stolen from inside. Suspect one is described as a white male, 5ft, thin build and aged between 13 – 18 years of age, suspect two is described as white male, 5ft 3, thin build and aged between 12 – 18 years of age, suspect three is described as white male, 5ft 5, thin build and aged between 12 – 18 years of age, suspect four is white male, 5ft 8, thin build and aged between 12 – 18 years of age and suspect five is a white male, 5ft 8 and aged between 12 – 18 years. (CR/2759/23)


Anyone with any information that may be useful should contact Tayside Division on 101 or any police officer, quoting the crime reference number listed at each incident.  Alternatively information can be passed anonymously via the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.



Tom Leonard, Chief Inspector                              

Local Area Commander, Perth and Kinross