[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1601580066857{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]Perth & Kinross Local Area Commander’s Bulletin

Wednesday 30th September 202

Manner of Driving

Regular readers of my weekly bulletin will not doubt be aware of our continued crackdown on irresponsible driving and speeding on Perth & Kinross’s roads. Some of the recent highlights include a motorbike rider being caught riding in excess of 100mph and a car driver being charged after being found to be driving at 117mph with a defective tyre.

Road safety and road crime is one of the local policing priorities for Perth & Kinross and from regular meetings with P&K councillors I am well aware of the impact that this has on communities across the county.

P&K council have recently invested heavily in speed detection equipment in villages and towns; outside schools and nurseries you’ll see the ‘pop up bairns’ designed to influence driver behaviour around our most vulnerable.

But I’m acutely aware that measures like these can only go so far and so I make no apologies for my officers conducting regular days of action in order to prevent, enforce and educate drivers as to the standard of driving which is required.

Friday 25th September saw one such day of action on the A977 in Kinross which resulted in excess of 100 drivers being stopped by officers. One person has been reported for dangerous driving; 14 drivers were reported for speeding and a further 95 were given a warning.

My officers will continue to appear unannounced on our roads with the aim of improving driving standards across the county and will endeavour to target as many of our communities as possible.

However, driving without a valid policy of insurance remains stubbornly high throughout the country and P&K is no exception. Within the last 7 days we have caught 10 drivers without insurance; on top of that 2 were found without a licence and 5 were found to be under the influence of either drink or drugs.

I would urge anybody with information about drink drivers or those driving illegally to inform us. And if you wish to remain anonymous this can be done through the Police Scotland website or the Crimestoppers charity.

Only by working together will be improve the safety of our road network.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]