Dear Community Councils
The Waste Services Team has just launched a Public Toilet Survey, #Penny4YourThoughts, as part of the wider Public Toilet Review. The survey is primarily online, via, but people can request a paper copy by phoning the Council’s Customer Service Centre on 01738 475000.
The survey is live for 12 weeks, and we are hoping to capture feedback from local residents and visitors to Perth and Kinross. The survey is gathering views about the Public Toilets and Comfort
Schemes and asking if they meet people’s needs, as well as looking to find out whether the facilities are in places where they are most needed.
The attached posters will be displayed in the Council’s Public Toilets and on noticeboards (and electronic noticeboards) across the Council area. A social media campaign is underway to raise awareness of the survey and a Press Release is due to be issued shortly, which will also be circulated to local Community Newsletters.
We would welcome your assistance in raising awareness of the Survey – perhaps by ‘liking’ and sharing the post on or mentioning the survey when in conversation with the local community?
Kind regards
Christine Grant
Senior Elections and Community Council Officer