Recordings of last Sunday’s amazing conversation are now available on our Youtube Channel. If you missed the conversation you can catch up there. Be sure to watch Ruby’s presentation featuring her friends Ruby and Dougie and Jonathon Porritt was as insightful as always.
.….and please sign up for the next Conversation below.
2. Announcing the next Comrie Conversations – 15th Nov
I am also really delighted to announce the next Comrie Conversations at 11.00 on Sunday 15th of November 2020. One of the big themes to come out of our conversations on a green recovery have been around asking how we can afford it? We are bringing together two fantastic, alternative economic minds to help us answer this question. Come along to hear a different take on debt, austerity, the market and whether or not there is a ‘magic money tree’.
Our speakers are:
Gemma Bone Dodds: a political economist and a fellow of the Finance Innovation Lab, a fellow of the RSA and a trustee of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland. Have a look at
Fran Boait: is the Exec director of Positive Money who campaign for a money and banking system that enables a fair, sustainable and democratic economy. Have a look at
You can register for this Conversation here:
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