This year at Comrie Drama, we’re approaching the end of the year pantomime show a little different than usual.
Every year we select a show that will entertain kids as well as adults, but we have always performed in the evenings and by the time the show is over everyone is very tired, no more so than the younger audience our shows attract.
This year, we’ve decided to add an extra performance in the afternoon of the last day. Saturday, December 2nd we’ll open our doors at 1:15pm for the show to begin at 2pm.
In addition, we will also be using this afternoon matinée as a more relaxed showing to allow a wider range of people and those with different sensory needs to enjoy the show. We will leave the hall curtains open so there will be more ambient light, there will be no flashing lights. We will reduce the brightness of the stage lights, and reduce the audio volume. There will be more aisle space and space for wheelchair access.
We look forward to this new addition to our show and can’t wait to open up our pantomime to those of all ages and needs!
Cinderella The Pantomime tickets are now available from Hansen’s Kitchen and The Handy Shop – Comrie! As well as online via…/cinderella-the-pantomine/