Well another year has finished with another one just starting, and what a successful year 2023 has been for the music circle with yet more NEW members joining.
The Spring programme for 2024 is also looking to be another great success with our return beginning on the 16th January in the Rural hall Comrie at midday with a light lunch commencing around 1230pm followed by the programme of the day and finishing by 3.30pm.
We have a total of 8 programmes, dates as follows:-
16th January John Southorn 4 Concerts by 4 Composers
23rd January Helen Holland “Victoriana”
30th January John Southorn “Pictures in Music”
6th February Eric Perks “My Life with Music”
20th February Glenalmond School
27th February Ulrike Wutscher Opera & Choral singer + Teacher
5th March Alison Hunter Gilbert & Sullivan
19th March AGM + Easter Party and members requests.
We are a very friendly and welcoming Music Circle and although our membership is very healthy we are always looking for more local people to join and enjoy music with a variety of genre throughout the season.
Please come and see for yourselves, you could even possibly know some existing members.
For more information please call Malcolm Gregory on H 01764670493 or M 07752498187