As you may be aware, the Council has been developing the detailed proposals for the
above flood scheme and will be carrying out enabling works over the remainder of this
year. Details of the scheme proposals and enabling works are available on the
Council’s website at
In order to carry out the enabling works, the Council has engaged contractors, Balfour
Beatty, who will shortly be setting up a site compound in the Field of Refuge car park.
To ensure suitable access is maintained for large construction traffic, parking and
loading restrictions are required to be put in place around the car park as shown on the
plan below. These restrictions will be effective from 1 August 2022 and are
anticipated to last for the duration of the enabling works (approximately 14 weeks).
Local access to properties will be maintained throughout the works, and we will work
with residents to minimise any disruption.
I would also note that this area will be used as one of the smaller site compounds
throughout the main construction works for the scheme, which are anticipated to
commence in early 2023. There is likely to be a requirement for further parking
restrictions in the future as a result.
If you have any queries please contact Gavin Bissett, Engineer (Flooding) on the
details provided at the top of this letter or e–mail