As you may be aware, their local libraries have seen a lot of change over the last ten years and in general, use of libraries has been declining as people make more use of online book stores and access information in other ways. The pandemic has also impacted on library use with periods of closure due to lockdowns disrupting people’s library routine. Culture Perth and Kinross are keen to review their services and make sure they better reflect the needs and interests of communities now. They are undertaking this review with Perth and Kinross Council and would like to capture the views and experiences of as many service users, and non-users as possible to help inform any service developments going forward.

Please show your support for the library by completing the survey.   Paper copies of the survey are also available in all libraries.

The survey will close at the end of May and your assistance in helping reach as many people as possible is very much appreciated.

If we don’t show that we use the library, it WILL CLOSE