Dear Tea Friends,

Just a quick email to say hello and that I hope you are all well in these difficult times. I also hope that your tea plants have survived the winter!

If they have then now is the time to think about uncovering them if you have used any winter protection, trim off any dead leaves and tips and give them some food.

Maxicrop make an organic seaweed plant food which can be used as a root drench or spray to provide trace elements. Tea plants also need a fair bit of nitrogen, if you want something organic then hoof and horn is an organic dressing that provides only nitrogen.

I use a slow release fertiliser three times a year (10g per plant) during the growing season (May-Sept) to provide NPK. An example by miracle grow is

I also spray with seaweed about once a fortnight to ensure direct uptake by the plants and give them a boost.

These are the basic essentials – to be exact, you would need a soil and leaf analysis. However, it’s not worth doing for just a few plants.

If you want to try making your own tea at home, this is something that you might find of interest.

It’s been a tough year at the tea factory with the loss of all my overseas consultancy and tea classes. I am however well booked for tea making over the summer for two groups of Scottish growers. The tea I made last year for one group of growers was all sold to Fortnum and Mason, and should be on sale there when they reopen soon.

Best wishes,

Beverly-Claire Wainwright

Tea Consultant and Tea Maker

The Scottish Tea Factory

Artisan Rolling, Roasting and Tasting

UK Tel: 07752 449373