The Auld Alliance/Big Six Comrie Party
White Church Community Centre Drummond Street, ComrieChris's Gigs is delighted to present the Auld Alliance/Big Six, all the way from the South of France. This will be a evening of celebration, so come along and have lots of fun! Tickets are on sale at the bargain price of £10, and all proceeds will go to the British Heart Foundation as it […]
Coronation Street Party
DalginrossComrie Community Council will be hosting a street party to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. Bring your own picnic, Well Fired Pizza's, Robb's Hog Roast, Burger Van , Bonny Mountain and Nutritious and Delicious will also be there for you to purchase food and drink. We have entertainment all afternoon, brownies/cubs /scouts putting […]
Carry on Culty
Cultybraggan Camp ComrieJoin us on Sunday the 28th May for a day of historic re-enactment to commemorate 75 years since Cultybraggan Camp became an MoD training camp. Warriors from medieval times to the present will be demonstrating their fighting skills and you can even have a go yourselves! Explore the encampments and experience period crafts in action; […]
Comrie Primary Sports Day
Comrie Primary SchoolComrie Primary will be holding their sports day on the 7th of June. Please be aware that there may be some noise from our speakers until around 12pm
Sing-a-Long at Comrie Parish Church
Comrie Parish Church Burrell Street, ComrieSing-a-Long at Comrie Parish Church
Friends of Legion Park Bingo Tea
White Church Community Centre Drummond Street, ComrieBingo Tea Friday 16th June - White Church Doors will open 6:45pm with eyes down at 7:30pm! We will have some delicious home baking and tea/coffee on the night! If you’d like to do some home baking please send us a message! Here is just some of the amazing prizes we have lined up for […]
Viking Camp and Craft Market
Cultybraggan Camp ComrieThe Vikings are coming! Glasgow Vikings are setting up their authentic Norse living history camp for Saturday and Sunday. They will demonstrate crafts, cookery and combat skills. There will also be three different shows in the arena each day. Accompanying the historic crafts will be a market of local artisan crafters and food producers. Not […]
Gnoss at the White Church
White Church Community Centre Drummond Street, ComrieNext up in the village is Gnoss who will be in the White Church on 24th June. Gnoss, whilst still in their mid-twenties, have already had two back-to-back sell-out appearances at Glasgow’s world-famous Celtic Connections festival. Their last two albums have become essential listens and they’ve built a loyal following with their high-spirited, forward-thinking take on traditional music, coupled […]
Comrie Parish Church Burrell Street, ComrieSing-a-long at the Parish Curch on teh 13th September - All Welcome Sing-
Comrie Cinema Club
Comrie Rural HallComrie Cinema’s autum season starts on September 16th. Tickets for the evening film are £7 and available from Hansen’s Kitchen now. Tickets for the afternoon film are £3 on the door. Under 3s go free. Our next films are The Outfit for the grown ups, and Marcel the Shell with Shoes on for the kids […]
Barbie – The Movie
Comrie Rural HallComrie Cinema Club has a special midweek showing of Barbie on Wednesday October 4th, right on our doorstep at the Comrie Rural Hall. Tickets £7 from Hansen's Kitchen or from the Eventbrite link below (or scan the QR code on the poster)
McMillan Coffee Morning
Comrie Rural HallMacmillan coffee morning Saturday 7th October 10am-12 noon Comrie rural hall, Nurses Lane PH6 2DZ £5 entry includes tea/coffee home baking ,quiz and games. RAFFLE Come along and support a very worthwhile cause. Info; Joyce - 07771741983 Carol - 01764 679 161
Songs of Praise – St Serf’s
St Serf's Church, Comrie 85 Station Rd PH6 2EA, Comrie, Perthshire, United KingdomSongs of Praise Service at St Serf's Episcopal Church on Sunday 8th October at 5:30pm
Apple Day – Comrie Community Orchard
Cultybraggan Camp ComrieThis is Comrie Community Orchard’s annual event where we sell some of our apples, talk to people about the varieties, and sell fresh and pasteurised apple juice. There will be stalls with home bakes, jams and chutneys, bread, cheese, honey and coffees and teas. There will also be activities for toddlers - run by the […]
Smok at the White Church
White Church Community Centre Drummond Street, ComrieWe have managed to secure the amazing Project Smok for October. They played in Comrie in 2019 when they were just getting started as a trio and since then they have been making massive waves on the traditional music scene. They absolutely loved their gig here in the White Church partly because of the ecstatic audience […]
Plant a Tree Day
Community WoodlandComrie Community Woodland ivites everyone to Plant a Tree Day on Sunday 28th October.
Big Bike Film Night
Comrie Croft ComrieThe Big Bike Film Night is coming to Comrie Croft Sunday 29th October The Big Bike Film Night is on a mission- bringing the best cycling short films from around the world together for you. Showcasing 2.5 hours of moving bike films that has everything a cycle-centric audience could want – action, drama, humour, and […]
Blast in the Park Fireworks
Laggan ParkBlast in the Park Fireworks on the 3rd November. Lantern procession 6:30 from Melvile Square.
Pub/Games Night at the White Church
White Church Community Centre Drummond Street, ComrieFriday 3rd November at 7:30pm in the White Church. NB Profits from the Pub Nights go towards the fundraising for the new roof on the White Church. 🎱🎯🎲🍺🥃💬
Pub/Games Night at the White Church
White Church Community Centre Drummond Street, ComrieFriday 10th November at 7:30pm in the White Church. NB Profits from the Pub Nights go towards the fundraising for the new roof on the White Church. 🎱🎯🎲🍺🥃💬